In the previous posts, we reviewed how to find your personal uniform, how to assess your space, determine how much clothing you should have, and how to overcome the ‘just in case’ mentality. Now, we’ll take a deeper look at how to approach sentimental pieces in your wardrobe.
What are ‘Sentimental’ pieces?
For this post, ‘sentimental’ refers to pieces in your wardrobe that hold a strong connection to a person, place, or meaningful time in your life. These pieces can bring joy and comfort, so it’s perfectly fine to keep some of them in your wardrobe.
While some people advocate for detaching from belongings to simplify decluttering, this isn’t always necessary. There’s a purpose in wearing pieces that have significance to you; they can spark confidence and bring a sense of peace, like wearing a cozy sweater from someone special during stressful times.
Incorporating sentimental pieces into your wardrobe also ensures that your style is personal to you, rather than a copy/paste of whatever is trending at the moment.
Your wardrobe can evolve
Your wardrobe doesn’t have to stay the same throughout your life. It’s okay to retire items that are no longer needed, even if they hold sentimental value. For example, I recently added Vera Bradley bags to my wardrobe, each reminding me of my late grandmother and my Indiana roots. They’re not only sentimental, but also functional for work and travel.
Travel tote (left) was purchased second-hand at Goodwill and is regularly used for trips and a gym bag. The small green purse (right) was owned by my late grandmother and was added to my wardrobe following a family visit earlier this year.
On the other hand, I have a leather tote that hasn’t been used in over five years. It’s sentimental to me because it was my first professional bag, which I repaired twice from frequent use. However, it’s now an impractical item to keep because I don’t use it and it doesn’t fit my style anymore.
Questions to help decide whether to keep pieces sentimental to you:
If you’re facing a similar decision, ask yourself these questions:
Have I worn this recently? No, my tote hasn’t been used in 5 or 6 years.
Does it align with my current style? No.
Do I have the space to store it properly? No, it’s been crowded in my closet and has minor damage from improper storage.
Is it unique or irreplaceable compared to other sentimental items in your wardrobe? No, I have my grandmother’s Vera Bradley bag that serves a similar function.
Is it in ready-to-wear condition? Yes, but it’s unlikely I’ll use it.
If most answers are “No,” as with my tote, it’s a good candidate to retire.
Tip: Capture the memories
When you decide to part with sentimental pieces, take photos to preserve the memories. Documenting these items is a great way to reflect on your style evolution and revisit memories without the physical clutter.
Coming up next:
Clean your wardrobe
Unlock a clutter-free closet!
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